Romantic Era
Variety Era During the 19th century or the Romantic Era, there have been different art styles that developed. There was the Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Photography, and Art Nouveau styles of art. An art style that I really liked was the Post-Impressionism style. Post-Impressionism was more organized and structured than the Impressionism style. And Impressionism was known for sketchy lines, loose brush strokes, dabs of colors that blend together well (analogous colors). Impressionism didn't focus on the traditional subject matter. Colors and shapes were used and had a psychological effect in the Post-Impressionism style. A style of art that wasn't my favorite was the Romanticism style. Post-Impressionism The Starry Night (1889) by Vincent van Gogh; location Museum of Modern Art This work of art by Vincent van Gogh is one that really like. Gogh was a unique artist that had some sort of mental illness. Gogh cut part of his ear off and voluntarily e...